[Dailydrool] Update on Shandy McCann

Powersnurge at aol.com Powersnurge at aol.com
Wed Apr 16 07:36:08 PDT 2008

We've had Shandy McCann for exactly two months today.  He's the Basset  who 
was, literally, rescued from the jaws of Death by being held as the evidence  
in a neglect case.
Shandy McCann is by far the most difficult Basset we've ever had.  He  really 
doesn't have the smallest clue about being housebroken.  I guess  it's the 
seven years he spent outdoors, 24/7, that has left its mark.   Funnily enough, 
he doesn't poop inside.  He drinks a ton of water and we're  hoping it's a 
temporary thing which has been caused by being water deprived for  so long.  
He's had two blood panels and thyroid tests.  He is medically perfect,  
except for the roundworm.  He presents as a much younger dog than his 14  years, 
which is really a bit of a miracle.  He's gained a little weight and  is now a 
whopping 35 pounds.  The fur is growing back on his muzzle and  ears, and his 
horribly neglected undersides are looking so much better  now.  We no longer 
have to say, when people shriek, "Oh, look!  It's a  Basset!" that we've just 
adopted him (so it's not our fault he looks so  awful).
With all of his many failings, including the insane desire to 'inspect' the  
litter box (I may be a slob, but the litter box is always spotless), his 
peeing  at least, oh, 10 times a day and his barking (which is decreasing  
somewhat.  Neither of the citronella collars have worked in the slightest),  he's a 
wonderful boy.  I now know how Al Capone's mother could have adored  her son.  
My heart melts when I look at Shandy McCann's sweet, old  face.  When he tucks 
his head under my chin I don't know who's more blissed  out, him or me.
And to all of you who have inquired about him or offered your wonderful  
advice, thanks so much.  Sorry I haven't responded individually but I'm a  firm 
believer that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions (and I'm on  that 
road, believe you me).
Veronica Woodruff

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