[Dailydrool] Winner of Gorgeous 17 Puppy Mill Breeder Quilt

rescue at wabr.net rescue at wabr.net
Sun Dec 21 10:03:26 PST 2008

Gerry Wilkerson is the winner of the Gorgeous 17 Puppy Mill Breeder Quilt. 
Martha Knoll who generously designed, pieced this beautiful Quilt for the 
"17", sent it to me a couple weeks ago.  So I have been able to enjoy it. 
Reluctantly,  yesterday I gently packed it up for the winner.  When Mary 
drew the winning number, she immediately called Gerry, the winner. Gerry was 
so excited, she went from tears, to giggling excitement, she said she had 
never won anything in her 60+ life, and the quilt was her Christmas Wish, 
lots of "It's So Beautiful", "OMG's", "Golly's", etc.

Thank all of you who helped with your support of the "17", and please know 
Gerry will totally cherish  "The 17 Puppy Mill Breeder Quilt".

Washington Basset Rescue
(509) 466-1538

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