[Dailydrool] Beau

sokermom5 at bellsouth.net sokermom5 at bellsouth.net
Thu Jun 12 07:14:21 PDT 2008

Oh Beau - what a outstanding houndie you were.  I checked out his memorial on the website, and it was all I could do to keep from crying at work.  I know with all my heart and soul that Beau has his beautiful angel wings and is strutting his stuff at the Bridge.  God Bless all of you that took care of Beau and gave him love and care which I know gave him his extra years.  I would have loved to give you a belly rub, Beau -  maybe one day we'll meet at the Bridge and I'll be sure to give you all the belly rubs you would like.  Tell Calvin, Fred, and Madonna hello from their Mommy.  I bet you all will be good friends.  Save a spot on a cloud for me.

Love to you precious boy,

Dianne - Mommy to Morgan, foster J.D., Calvin (ATB), Fred (ATB), and Madonna (ATB)
              Ganma to Oliver, the Pug, and Andy, the Beagle
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