[Dailydrool] Brudder Elwood checkin out da homestead

Elizabeth Lindsey erlindsey at comcast.net
Thu May 1 11:39:46 PDT 2008

> Elder Clara she ben in da brudder beddie. Why Brudder Elwood, he  
> been talkin to da porcelain gods fur deys, gotz da tummy hangin out  
> de chopperz and now dis.

Brudder Elwood, when you complained about Elder Clara being on your  
bed while you were in the vetspital, it brought back vivid memories  
of my basset friend Owen right after his basset sister Macy died last  
May. He knew she was very sick and he was there when the vet helped  
her out of this world and into the next, but he was still confused by  
her not being in the house anymore and he missed her very, very much.  
In fact, he missed her so much that all he wanted to do was lie down  
in Macy's favorite places because that made him feel close to her. It  
was a sad time for all of us, and seeing Owen grieving for Macy on  
her bed made our hearts ache even more.

You, of course, weren't home to see this, but your human told  
everyone on the Drool that Elder Clara was quite upset by your  
prolonged absence. I suspect she also picked up on how frightened and  
upset your humans were, and that made her feel even more anxious  
about you not being there any more. I think she depends on you more  
than either you or she realize. I'm willing to bet two Drool  
calendars that Elder Clara did not wantonly wallow all over your bed  
because she wanted to make you mad. Instead, she took to your bed  
because she missed you and lying on your bed and breathing in your  
smells was comforting to her. Of course, if you ask her about this  
outright, she'll deny it. She does, after all, have her pride. But I  
promise you that's why she slept on your bed while you were so sick.  
She really, really missed you.

So cut Elder Clara a little slack on this one, okay? Take her smell  
on your bed as a high compliment--you mean a lot to her. As you do to  
everyone on the Drool. I'm glad you're home and well along the road  
to full recovery.


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