Marsdoxy2 at aol.com Marsdoxy2 at aol.com
Sat May 3 09:05:30 PDT 2008

hey Jackie,  My basset Maggie is the same  way,  she  counter surfs all the 
time.  she will also do a flat out in the yard,   I have to pick up her front 
end and her back end goes down, then I walk back to  lift up her back end and 
her front end goes back down, my neighbors all just sit  on their patios and 
laugh,  but if I get her leash and pretend that I am  going to go away in the 
car,  WOW  she beats me to the garage. When it  is time to go to bed at night, 
my husband has to PICK her UP and CARRY her to  the back door because she wont 
get up  !  She now weighs 44 pounds and  still thinks she is a puppy. and my   
7 month old puppy Annie loves  chasing bumble bees,  My neighbors  must think 
I am  crazy  all I get done all day is yelling Annie stop, Annie NO !  Annie  
, Maggie leave it, they are both part GOAT as they eat everything  !!!!!!!  
but Annie is so funny chasing butterflies  she ran head first  into the side of 
the garage yesterday, she was looking up  instead of in  front  of herself.  
she just  sat there like  " where dit  go, where dit go, " it was here a 
minute ago "  No snakes here, but lots of  hard shell June bugs  and WORMS   that 
Annie thinks are a  delicacy !!!!!!

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