[Dailydrool] At the Vet

Beverly Szaton bgszap at gmail.com
Sat May 24 03:46:13 PDT 2008

This is based on something that happened to me yesterday at work. I won't go
into the details because it makes me look like the total idiot that I was,
and I prefer that people think of me as astute and alert and with a brain.
However, it involved a Basset Buppy. One that I picked up and cuddled
without thinking about why it might be there at the Animal Hospital instead
of playing happily at home. It was being treated for something that I could
spread to other dogs. (Not Parvo, altho it could have been.)

> So this is just a little Caveat. When you are in public, especially at the
> Vet's, and you see a cutie pie pup, be thoughtful before you put your hands
> all over it. Not all Vetspital personnel stop to think that they are
> carrying a little bundle of pathogens. This puppy was from a pet shop. He
> could easily have had anything from sarcoptic mange to Parvo, distemper or
> kennel cough. He didn't, but I did scrub my hands and change my shirt. (I
> work with grooming dogs-- I don't want to transmit anything to these dogs or
> my own.)

So think before you touch, especially at the Vet's.

Embarrassed MomPerson who has known better for 20 years.
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