[Dailydrool] Lessons

BasetSavr5 at aol.com BasetSavr5 at aol.com
Wed Oct 1 17:12:37 PDT 2008

Dis Brudder Elwood. Welp, todey be da dey. It be time. Dis da deal. Brudder  
Jake, he bee herez bout 2 moonz wurf now. It time fur him to stand on all 4 ob 
 dem big feetz. No morez hidin behind Brudder Elwood. I tellz Brudder Jake, I 
 done teach youze all da da impawtant fings. you on your own, and we gonna 
gib  youze da test to see whut youze learned. Now show Brudder Elwood whut youze 
 learned. I sit rite herez and watch. Otey Brudder Jake, youze gotz to do da  
Otay, I'm Brudder Jake an I been a takin da lesson frum me Brudder Elwood.  
Why I bet I bee as smart as da Brudder Elwood. Now youze watch dis. Dere Elder  
Clara, she bee a sleepin in herz bed, but I wantz dat bed, so I go git herz 
to  moobe. I go rite obber dere, kinna eaze on up and checkie dis out. I sniffy 
da  belly, she still snoozin, I sniffy dem paws, she still snoozin, I sniffy 
dem  earz, we doin good, she snornin nowz, I git liddel closer. I seyz dis be 
eazy, I  go round to da tail, why it wigglin liddel bit, so I moobe on in and 
gib her da  sniffy on herz tailpipe. Well, Brudder Elwood nebber teach me bout 
all dis, an  bout da time dat I gotz me snooter rite on da tailpipe, dere be 
a  splosion-Brudder Jake got da eyeballz flamin, me whiskers done melt, me 
snooter  be a smokin, I knowz dangerz when I feelz it, I yells FIRE IN DA HOLE, I 
gotz to  sabe da familie. Dere be flames a comin out ob da Elder Clara 
tailpipe, she be a  backfirin, why Brudder Elwood nebber tell me bout dis, an he jus 
laffin, he be  seyin dis new lesson. Elder Clara gotz da gasses agin.
And Brudder Elwood offerin free growin up classes for all dem new  buppies--
Congrats to the pups, drool to all in need
Debbie  Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Bob, Casey, Elder  Clara, Daisy, Jake and
Brudder Elwood OEBE 
Instigator of Evil Deeds  
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds

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