[Dailydrool] Otis's Fifth Burfday!!

Linda Dianis ldianis at comcast.net
Tue Aug 11 16:16:17 PDT 2009

Wednesday is the Fifth Anniversary of the Joyous Birth of our own dear  
Otis Bodis, aka OatMan, aka Oatalicious, Oatie.
We are almost sure this is his actual burfday, because altho he was  
ABANDONED at the age of 8 weeks, his vet visits and records, plus some  
clever vet-calculations with teething, pinpointed the date quite  

Otis is still an evil OEBE and the delight of our lives, lives that  
would be all too dull without him. He has not eaten any Dyson cords  
for a couple years now, but he still is very devious and clever-- 
Panjandrum of Pandemonium. He loves to channel evil ideas to the  
fosters he hosts....
His glaucoma and losing sight in one eye has definitely toned him  
down, but he knows how to party. We will fete him with frosty paws,  
dog park, and all the belly rubs we can fit in.
Otis bids EVERYONE enjoy a speshul treat in his honor tomorrow. It  
will make him wag all the more.

Linda, with Otis and Nelly (Happy Burfday, Bro!!)

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