[Dailydrool] breaking up dog fights

Bassetmomof2 at aol.com Bassetmomof2 at aol.com
Thu Jan 15 12:42:41 PST 2009

I agree with Robert.  We use baby gates all over the place.   Ellie and 
Freddie used to fight alot.  Now she realizes that even though  she's bigger, he's 
in charge.  Occasionally she will relapse and try to be  the "boss".  When 
that happens I will grab a gate and put it between  them.  She hates the gates 
and will back off.  Then I put her in a  separate room for a time out.  If I'm 
not near a gate a blanket or jacket  over her face will work.  Water never does 
- I've thrown tons of it and she  was never fazed by it.  
When the fighting began there was lots of blood and we were worried we'd  
have to part with our dear Ellie.  Luckily, we've been patient and she's  much 
better.  It has taken many months of daily walks - giving her a job to  do 
tracking all the smells in the neighborhood.  So now the only time she  goes after 
Freddie is when her tummy is acting up.  We are very careful to  reinforce 
with her that Freddie is in charge.  We always give Freddie  treats first, pets 
first, collars first, food first - EVERYTHING - he has to be  first so she 
knows she's not the top banana.
Best of luck and with time and patience hopefully the fights will  stop.
Hélène,  Freddie and Ellie
Freddie's dogster  page http://www.dogster.com/dogs/365610
Ellie's dogster page  _http://www.dogster.com/dogs/365621_ 
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