[Dailydrool] Dog memories

PM CLINE pmcline at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 10 19:32:28 PDT 2009

I have no doubts that dogs have memories.  H Beaudreux was a rescue, actually a relinquish, who had years of neglect and abuse in his past. For the first 6 months after we got him  every time he saw a man in a baseball cap he would growl....a low rumble. It drove my son nuts because he wore caps all the time.  He finally learned to take the cap off  and they've really bonded now and he can wear his cap around Beaudreux. But even now, 1 year later, he will occasionally growls at people in baseball caps. We explain about his past and the cap comes off asap-or else the person steps way back. Every once in a while someone obviously looks like someone from his past, even without a cap. We haven't figured out that prototype yet but we hear and feel the low rumble through the leash.  And people of any age with a stick. That rumble comes again. 
 And yep, he has issues but we love that old boy dearly. He paid his dues in that bad home for 5 years and now we're trying to give him the life he deserves.    
I'll argue with any expert who says dogs don't remember.  Maybe they do live in the moment but I don't think they ever forget  who or what has  hurt them in the past.
Pamproud mom to Olive, H Beaudreux and "Ginny from the Hood"

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