[Dailydrool] The past

surferdogs at comcast.net surferdogs at comcast.net
Sat Jul 11 03:47:26 PDT 2009

It seems a little silly to say dogs, or any animal, doesn't remember the past. If they don't remember things, they can't learn. And if you don't remember something bad that hurt you, well you get hurt again and again when you come across that thing or person. In the wild, animals are taught or learn on their own not to eat certain things or they get sick, how to find water, what things are dangerous. A trigger like a hat, a stick, a raised hand may always get a response, but over time they learn to let it go and recover quickly knowing it doesn't mean pain anymore. My female Basset Doheny (ATB) was afraid when I carried anything - cookie sheet, large pot - and if I ever used a fly swatter she ran and hid. That got better with time, and she would duck her head but not run and hide anymore. And I know my hounds sure remember when feeding time is, what cupboard the treats are in, what a leash means and where it is kept. They don't think about them all the time - except maybe treats and feeding time, but they know. 

And sometimes they just don't like things, same as us. My first St. Bernard was nervous around men at first. She got over that, and I think that had to do with her past. She also hated little white dogs - really hated them. I don't think that was because one attacked her as a baby. I think she just didn't like them. Can't say I'm too fond of them either. 

Drool to all who need it - it's been sunny and warm finally so we have more drool than ever. 

Synthia, so many bellies to rub, so little time 
Bud, Barney, Kahuna, Zuma, Pearl, Mango (we remember everything - we aren't stupid!) 
Ace, Sage, Maya, Kirby 
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