[Dailydrool] Old Memories
julie h
jules56pt at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 11 09:39:10 PDT 2009
I know this topic has been hounded to death but I will throw in my 2$. I written of this before so sorry for the rehash. Our Sunny ATB was a rescue who had been chained to the fence at a Humane Society in the night and left with no name or any info. We got her from some folks who took her since she was a purebred and they were certain someone would want her. Well, we did and for the twelve years she lived here she was a grouchy coot who NEVER forgot her past. She hated white tennis shoes, people dressed in white, feet in general, brooms, other dogs, and most men. When we got her the vet said she was around 18months old but I'm pretty sure she was older than that. She was a beautiful girl, very big boned and low to the ground. We loved that old girl as much as we have any other basset but she never got over whatever trauma she suffered before us and I have the scars to prove it.
The only person she eventually liked was my oldest son. They were alike in the grouchy department so they understood each other. Josh would pick her up and look her in the eye if she was being a fart and she would stop it. But only for him. I think she terrorized Sherlock into an early grave. He was only a puppy when we got her and he was such a wuss. They did ok together because they just ignored each other.
We don't have any grouches in the girls we have now except for Ninja. She gets along with people just fine but can't stand any other dogs but her housemates. We could never take her for an early morning or late evening walk or someone would call in a noise complaint. She also protects me from her housemates. She wants to be the only one who is close to me.
We found out yesterday that Shelby has a little bit of temper in her. She is very calm and sweet unless someone has a ropie for playing tug-of-war. We dug one out of the toy basket to see if anyone would play with it. Sunny loved to tug on the ropes. Shelby did bite at it and told us off in the process. She wasn't playing, she was crabbing, only a little. Then she licked Nic's hand to make sure he wasn't mad at her, I think.
Drool to all in need.
Ninja, Marley, Maggie, Shelby, the kitties and Julie
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