[Dailydrool] Yikes! Another basset, more urgent

SUSAN INTESSIMONE froggie0310 at bellsouth.net
Sat Jul 11 09:11:39 PDT 2009

I have been trying to help a couple who ended up with an adorable 3 yr old basset after the original owners traded him for a mastiff on Craigslist.  Problem is, the man had a transplant a few years ago and now has a pinched nerve in his neck and keeping up with Basil is not a possibility (they are an older couple.)  They were horrified he was traded on Craigslist, which is why they took him.  This dog is wonderful and very placeable--but we have no place close to put him while we are working on the others on death row.  The urgency comes in where they called me this a.m. and told me there's a breeder locally who is interested in taking him!  NOOO!!!!!! (he is not neutered yet) I begged the guy to just take him to the pound (because I know they will call me about him anyway if they get him---same place the old guy is in.)  We'd pay to board him while we figure out something to do with him but we don't have the funds for this.  If ANYONE can help
 this adorable basset out--I have pix and he is VERY photogenic--with boarding money or a fosterhome, please let me know ASAP!!!  We can use foster space in Southern IN, IL, and middle TN!!

Bluegrass Basset Rescue, Inc
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