[Dailydrool] back surgery Sarah Jane update

Valerdoos at aol.com Valerdoos at aol.com
Sat Jul 11 10:52:21 PDT 2009

I just wanted to let everyone know how well Sarah Jane is doing after her  
back surgery on June 22
We were afraid Cujo dog was going to be tough to handle when it came time  
to remove the staples. The surgeon and her resident came out into the 
parking  lot with us to see if she could walk first. She stood and walked for 
them. They  were thrilled Dave held Sarah Jane's cone and the surgeon easily 
snipped the  staples. After that we took off the cone and our sweet dog was 
back. She gave  the doctors hugs and slid down for belly rubs. This was the 
same girl who had  red (use caution) signs on her crate at the vet hospital.
What a relief . 
We started water therapy and she did really well . She can stand and walk a 
 bit like a drunken sailor. The vet/therapist has designed his own harness 
with  the chest and rear support. It works great .A must have to help any 
pet with  back surgery or needing rear support.  She is so far progressed that 
the  hard part will be keeping her resting for 3 to 4 more weeks. Her 
bassitude is  already showing. When she gets outside she does flat basset. Trying 
to take her  out on my lunch hour is going to be tough. But I'm thrilled 
that she is going to  be able to walk and be herself again.
If anyone is interested in what the harness looks like the therapist /vet  
Dr St Clair has a web site _www.topdoghealth.com_ 
(http://www.topdoghealth.com) . He is located in  Meriden CT. We are really glad our surgeon 
recommended him.
Drool to all in need. I hope things turn out as well for you as they have  
for our Sarah Jane,
Val & Dave
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