[Dailydrool] different types

Marty Needham martyd70 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 10:55:11 PDT 2009

Hi everyone,
Its been awhile since I have posted and have a general question for you.

We have our own basset boy,Jeffery and at this time we have 2 foster
boys.They have of course all been neutered but all differently,all at the
same vets office which there are 3 vets,2 men one woman,anyway.Jeffery looks
like he never had any nebberminds,Willis just has the sack left and Stanley
still looks like he is intact,just a vasectomy done.Is this something that
anyone else has come upon before,I am just curious.

Soft snooters and prayers

Marty,mom to Jeffery,Mason,Hazel,Trudy,Willis and Stanley and the 5 cats
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