[Dailydrool] Hound not eating
Ellie Foth
slave2thepaw at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 12 18:24:25 PDT 2009
I am having the same problem with my Artie not eating dog food. It has been 2 weeks now and if I get him to eat 1/2 cup of kibble a day we are doing good. Artie has always been a very picky eater. Usually when the kibble gets the Royal Snub I just switch kibble but that did not work this time.
I did the thing where you put the food down for 15 minutes then take it up. I have with held all treats and still Artie is not eating. Artie went two whole days before he finally ate about 1/4 cup of kibble. Heck he is not even eating his yogurt and Artie always loved yogurt.
We were at the Vets last week and everything looks good. Blood work fine, x-rays good, no sores in mouth, teeth are good.
Is there some supplement I can use to stimulate his appetite?
Ellie and Her Hounds Artie, Ballzie, Thelma Lu and Milly
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