[Dailydrool] cards and drool

LaRock Hounds twobassetsonedoxie at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 04:08:20 PDT 2009

I am going to try to summarize a drool and card request as it is a long
story. Around a month ago my uncle, who is not even 60, almost died. He had
to have surgery, and a very odd surgery at that. They are private people so
I don't feel right giving out specific details. He had to be taken to
another hospital, put into sedation vacation for quite sometime with a wound
vac on (which is still on) in the ICU and only woken up once a day by the RN
to see if he was still with us. He just had surgery again a week or so ago.
They put him through 2 procedures this week. Now, they have started him on
rehab. The thing is--he is not allowed to sit up or in a chair. He must
remain in bed flat. He is getting down in the dumps. He has 2 dogs at home
that he misses. No, they are not bassets, but he does love my bassets when
he sees them. He always has asked about Maggie since she has been a part of
the family over 9 years ago and enjoys receiving our Christmas card. He must
remain flat before skin grafting can start and then they have to "build"
something for him so he can go to full rehab so that he can be able to get
back as far as normal as possible. He still has a big road ahead . He has to
be transferred to a rehab center yet also. I saw him this Wednesday and he
literally does not have any cards in his room. He does not like puzzle books
or anything so he just has the TV to keep him entertained.  Anyhow, if
anyone has an extra card, his daughter has outright asked for cards to be
sent because of his sadness. Please send to:

University Hospital

Charles Day

5th Floor

750 East Adams Street

Syracuse, NY   13210
Thank you very much from all of us at the LaRock household. A heartfelt
Thank you.
DRool to all in need,
Maggie, Mazzie, Oliver, Cooper,& Harvey
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