[Dailydrool] What temperature is ok for dogs?

R Groves dd-post at thegroves.net
Mon Jul 13 08:28:00 PDT 2009

First... I'd say.. shorten the curtains... give enough room for the hounds
to stand there and have visibility.. but by all means have thick curtains
that close off the bulk of the windows and glass doors simply because that
will save you on electricity for the heat it blocks and doesn't have to over
work your AC ...
second.. do you have cooler places in your home?  if so, making sure the
hounds have access to those areas so that they can find a cool place when
they want one is good... and with that, you can set your temperature higher
when you're out, and lower when you get back.. 
we had ours at 80 during the day when no one is home, and could have gone to
85 since the basement is really cool.... our only reason not to, now, is
that we don't have a timed thermostat ... so we'd have to live with the 80
to 90 degree temps upstairs when we get home.. plus having the doggie door
for the boys makes that so much easier for them to get outside if they


Subject: [Dailydrool] What temperature is ok for dogs?

Reading all these posts about leaving dogs in hot cars brought to mind
another question...what temperature in a home is ok for a dog?  
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