[Dailydrool] Dog Hair

Menzie Campbell menziecampbell at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 11:43:31 PDT 2009


"One of these days I am getting myself one of the
T-shirts that have 3 condiment shakers on the front, labelled
"salt", "pepper" and "dog hair"."

Speaking of dog hair:  We here at the Campbell Basset-Fattening
Facility have made a Big Decision, and are building a new house on 3
acres we own in the beautiful Arkansas woods not far from here.  So...
we listed our current house for sale yesterday.  Now, the problem...
not everyone who is going to come look at this house loves dogs like
we do.  And currently, we have 5 (two are temporary).  The dog hair is
monumental.  I vacuum daily now (before listing the house, I vacuumed
maybe once a week, just let it pile up), and ten minutes later, there
are more tumbleweeds of hair visible.  So.... I've just put a sign on
the kitchen counter saying something to the effect that yes, we know
we have dog hair around,we can't help it, but we promise to a
potential buyer that we will have the house professionally cleaned
once we move out, and before they move in.  Best I can do.

Maybe if we're lucky, someone house-shopping will also own 2 or 3
dogs; THEY will understand.

Menzie Campbell
Save a Life - Don't Shop, ADOPT!
Owned by Pw. Annabelle, Hector TVL, Barney TPP, and Bozlee TOS

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