[Dailydrool] Jordan and Crate pooping

KR1204 at aol.com KR1204 at aol.com
Wed Jun 10 18:04:08 PDT 2009

Now that I have finally contained my houndini, it seems we have some other  
issues and I hope some of you have  some suggestions. I suspect that Jordan 
 spent most of her time before coming to Tristate in some kind of   
confinement. Monday AM, Loki decided to fly off my bed and bark at 4 am.  This woke 
up Jordan who non stopped  barked until 6:30 am when I went down  and 
released her. The crate was full  of poop and so was Jordan. Nice way  to wake up 
and my head felt like I had a migraine all  night. (Loki and  Crackers 
snored! thru her non stop barking!) Mon PM when I came home from  work, again a 
poop covered Jordan. Tues am she was quiet until about 6:15 am and  her 
crate was clean and dry when I let her out. Wed AM she  started fussing  about 
4:30AM, let her and Loki out and she finished the night  in my bed.  Stopped 
home about 2 PM  Wed and let everyone out. Came home at 5:30 to a  poop 
covered Jordan. Of course, when I  release her from the crate she  wants to jump 
on me and I have my office attire on. The folks at the vet clinic  where 
she stayed when she came into TriState had told me that she would   pee on a 
leash but always seemed to poop in her kennel. So how do I housebreak  a  dog 
who thinks that she has to poop inside? I wonder if she is pooping  in her 
frantic excitement to be released/see me as she  is a velcro  dog.
She is about 2 and just as sweet as can be and I love her so much but I  
would really like to move forward with the housebreaking. Any and all  
suggestions will be  appreciated. 
Kathy with Crackers, Loki and  Jordan
PS: She gets my version of a GI shower - I wet a bath towel, put shampoo on 
 half and rub her down and then use the other half to  "rinse" her off. I  
have a bum knee so tossing her in the tub is physically impossible. 
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