[Dailydrool] Pw. Annabelle

boardwaddle boardwaddle at comcast.net
Tue May 26 21:52:21 PDT 2009

Cakie here. I am making 'nother exception cause feyfey woofed me to do it. I 
like to write direct, but feyfey liked to post and, well, when she and Taco 
gang up on me there is nothing I can do but give in.

Feyfey was pawticularly touched that Pw. Annabelle saved her royal 
proclamation. Feyfey used to work very hard at reviewing and writing those 
and she says a true Pw. would make sure her human kept it around for a 
nickzillion years. She is very happy to finally have Pw. Annabelle around in 
pawson....and says to tell Menzie that Annabelle can see now....and that the 
telescope has been trained on her 24/7 so that the Pw. can catch up on all 
the images of her family that she has missed over the years.

She is quite happy at the bridge. Taco WOOF Bell has made friends and they 
are comparing notes with feyfey's Tutti Fruitti puppy who could not see down 
here, either. TF was not nearly as outgoing as the Pw.......but they have 
decided that they like each other. The buffet was a wee touch picked over 
after Brie's arrival, but feyfey has the truck rushing in 
replentishments.....something about Southern barbeque, I think, if I heard 
correctly. The Pw does tell her slave that work is never done and while she 
did a good job of keeping the blind houndies informed in her lifetime, the 
mission must continue.

Us is very sorry that Pw. Annabelle went to see feyfey.....but at least she 
can SEE her now.


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