[Dailydrool] dremmel

Reed and Becky Pomeroy rebec at execpc.com
Tue Nov 17 09:18:32 PST 2009

When you are shopping for dremmels, I completely agree with Jacquie's
statement about the extra power of the corded models.  It's workth
the extra noise.  But, if you have a sound-sensitive hound, that can
be a problem.  a partial solution is an additional attachment called
the Flexi-shaft.  It is a flexible shaft (duh) that attaches where
the sanding drum would ordinarily go.  the sanding drum then attaches
to the other end, about 18 or 24 inches away.  I LOVE this
thing.  At our house, the dremmel hangs from a hook in the ceiling
over the grooming table so the body of the tool is about 2-1/2  feet
about the table.  (I guess the shaft might be longer than I
originally said).  the noise is then farther from the hounds
ears.  Plus the machinery inside doesn't get all gunked up  with
toenail dust so the thing lasts longer.  And it is much more
comfortable to work with the shaft that the whole tool in your hand. 
When we used to do everybody in one day (about 15 - 17 houndies), my hand
would actually get burned from the heat that built up in the
dremmel.  Not any more with the Flexi-shaft.

crazy basset

Please take time to visit these
Rebec Bassets at 
Buddies Rescue, Inc. at www.bbrescue.org 

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