[Dailydrool] tulip tales

BRYAN MARTINEZ brymart at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 2 11:52:42 PDT 2009

Hi everyone,
I guess I kinda was hoping for some insight on treatments for  
lymphoma ,....all these doctors assured me that this was treatable and  
that the average life span of a doggie , once diagnosed , was 14  
months......but , at the cost of 16 doses of radiation shots of  
different kinds....they told me , dont worry, there is twenty, TWENTY,  
different processes to treat lymphoma and we will start with the one  
that most doggies respond to......well, since getting back from her  
overnight stay yesterday (to observe and slap on an IV with some other  
concoction and to drain a liter of fluid off of her abdomen)
  she is still very sick , lethargic ,drools a lot, barely eats  
anything and wants to spend most of the day and night camped under a  
bush or tree alone and by herself her head up just staring straight  
ahead....she still walks ok and has no troubl getting up.....They told  
me that most dogs respond well....not her, at least not yet.....she  
has lost fifteen pounds in the last couple weeks and fluid is still  
collecting in her abdomen......
Its like a roll of the dice in arriving at a treatment that supposedly  
works....didnt work? ok, try this, or this , or this.
I do not want to put her through all this...it's a quality of life  
thing....and I am a retired postal worker, not wealthy.......
..she's not happy anymore , her whole behavior is different...I have  
to actually push her to the floor or help her on a couch to coerce her  
to sleep for an hour or so........
sorry about being long winded but I'm hoping for an opinion or two  
about what any of you would do or what you DID do when faced with  
something similar.
I was so happy saturday when she was diagnosed with 'treatable'  
cancer---now, I'm not so sure it is.......
maybe I didnt give it enough time---it's been about 55 hours since her  
first treatment---she out in the backyard now, obviously feeling  


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