[Dailydrool] blimps

LOIS LEMA lemalois at verizon.net
Tue Apr 13 15:48:37 PDT 2010

in 1986 for liberty weekend they had a blimp race around nyc..i was working at the statue of liberty then...our bomb dog was a beautiful golden...very well trained...only one problem..she was terrified of blimps (thunder too)..the sight of one or the sound of their motor would cause her to jump the seawall and make a swim for freedom!

this would cause us to have to get in our boston whaler and go out and  track her down and haul her "not so light" butt out of ny harbor..which wasn't easy.  she was hell bent on swimming to canada, mexico or anyplace where she felt a large blimp would never follow her.  i'll never forget the one time here we were trying to haul her out of the water with hundreds of other boats in the harbor for the liberty weekend (re-opening of the statue) and the stupid blimp and their news crew right overhead filming us..so yeah that didn't go well.

oh..to make this basset related...2 weeks ago buster managed to unscrew the food vault and helped himself to about 8 pounds of avoderm dry food and he looked like the goodyear blimp.  then when he decided to go under the bed for whatever reason he managed to get his not so slim little basset body stuck under the bed...& i had to lift the bed up to get rotundo-boy unstuck.

buster (yeah but the embarassment was worth it)
miss sally who still in absentia but coming home soon

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.  Bertrand Russell
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