[Dailydrool] A Dog Ghost Storey

Houndy2 at aol.com Houndy2 at aol.com
Tue Aug 17 07:41:45 PDT 2010

This is true I am not making it up.
Three times it has happened I have had encounters soehow with spirits  or 
ghosts strongly three different times  for sure and some might think it  is 
all woo woo but it HAPPENED. I'll try and keep it short and just tell  one.
#1 I was about 16 I guess and reading Catcher in the Rye and  smoking in 
the wee hours of the morning having a keen time totally engrosed in  the book 
and my dog "Jeffrey WIlliam Potato Chips Drew the First" was by my  bed 
sleeping. It was a good read and then SOMETHING a mist like...a heavy feel,  a 
presence came and I watched as more and more it was forming at the foot of 
the  bed.
My dog was sound asleep. We had lived in the old mansion for several years  
and there were stories about "Granny Monahan" who supposedly hung out on 
the  third floor. Yes there were weird happenings...but we never thought much 
of  it...old houses make weird noises etc. and yes if a house if old enough 
people  do DIE in them and stories get going. At the time I just never 
thought  about them much is all.
It all changed one night and I KNOW I was saved by my dog Jeffrey.
It was a BAD thing. I was feeling is come and it was so sad...the frst one  
was o sad and the second one was fierce and angry and coming for us.
My dog woke up and watched and started a low growl.
A warning growl. I was FROZEN in fear watching having it come for me. Like  
death or something. I truly know that somehow my dog saved me.He had been a 
 stray from the Indian Reservation and  I had "saved" him from a second  
winter left alone on the reservation alone to fend for him selfon the beach.He 
 was my constant companion from the age of 9 or so when I begged to have 
him for  my own it took all summer to get him to come to me and to not be so 
wild and to  trust. ANyhow he was the reatest dog.
The thing it was going to take me over. I KNEW THAT. My dog knew too...he  
growled. He came up and jumped up on the bed and grrred. no you gueys it was 
not  the cigerette smoke) lol.
It was going to TAKE ME OVER I knew it. I just watched and felt fear like  
never before. It was evil. It was like starting to seep into the end of the 
bed  and into me.
My dog was there. I held onto him. He snarled low like he meant businss  
showing teeth. We watched. I screamed  
Then it let loose of me and cut away and the "other" sad spirit or ghost  
backed or faded up (I knew it was up because then my dog was "watching" it. 
We  both felt it.)
"It" was a spirit I know. It was coming to me. THe bad thing had left and  
only the other one was left. I was screaming go away and Noooooooooooooooooo 
but  my dog had stopped his threatening  and just liiked up his eyes moving 
 WATHING the ceiling.
So...its not Howoween yet...but that's my "scarey storey" It  happened. 
Really it did. I try hard to not know more about ghosts and stuff  because it 
scares and woo woo's me out. 
Truly I know that my dog saved me I know it. In telling the storey  about 
what happened to me I was then told all kinds of weird stories about that  
house and the ghosts...."ghosts" usually I think ghosts are friendly and we  
don't need to be afraid....but People from that old giant mansion we lived  
in  on the boulevard had been hauled off to the booby hatch! 
I have always known someway that my dog SAVED me that night and I've never  
told anyone other than my family. You are my DD Family...its just a  
storey...yeah...but its TRUE. 
Wish I could tell it better. It happened. Really.
Ohh what a brave and good dog my first dog was.
Has anyone else had an experience like that?
Love and Woofs, A
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