[Dailydrool] Miss Angela's Calendar Arrived!

bjenk1 at cox.net bjenk1 at cox.net
Fri Dec 24 13:39:15 PST 2010

Bill here, press agent/personal trainer to Miss Angela Basset,
Droop and Drool Diva of Wichita and Sedgwick County

IT CAME!   We were worried, though we have faith in Ellie and 
Ellie's Elves.  Miss Angela is unrelenting in her criticism of me,
her humble employee, because I forgot to tell Ellie or anyone at
the Drool our new address.  She is convinced that that is why we
just got our calendar today.  On the bright side, however, we 
have a few hours before we have to have it wrapped and loaded 
into the Angelimousine to take to our friend Jacquie and her basset

I almost have Miss Angela convinced that Sandy Paws will not be
coming to see her tonight because of an incident last week.  We 
went to a friend's for dinner and, because they were going out of 
town the next day, they gave me about half a huge, high carrot 
cake from among the leftovers.  It was covered with aluminum foil
which was crimped tightly around the edges of the cake plate. A 
day or two later, I went out for a few hours and came back to find
Miss Angela looking really sheepish. ( I think she learned that fake
contrite look from BP officials who testified before Congress about
the leaks)  I looked around for small gifts she might have left but 
found none.  When I went into the kitchen, I could see what happened.
The cake was on the floor, upside down.  Surprisingly, the aluminum
foil was still crimped tightly around the edges of the cake plate but 
the plate was on top.  Miss Angela had failed in any attempt to 
penetrate the foil or had been frightened by the fall.  The cake was
still edible, though instead of being eight inches tall, it was only four.
Angela did her mea culpas and I let her off the hook with only one
"Bad Dog" and a none too subtle reminder that Sandy Paws was 
watching.  We'll see tonight if he leaves her anything.

We wish everyone in need a river of healing drool and too all of
you peace and good will.

Bill (Now, to settle down to a long winter's nap)
Angela (I want to be the clatter out on the lawn!)

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