[Dailydrool] Fw: RE: Sweet Bro Jake, Drool on the way For Jake & worried mom

RAY WERTZ johannamrstreez at verizon.net
Fri Dec 31 15:37:45 PST 2010

--- On Fri, 12/31/10, RAY WERTZ <johannamrstreez at verizon.net> wrote:

From: RAY WERTZ <johannamrstreez at verizon.net>
Subject: RE: Sweet Bro Jake, Drool on the way For Jake & worried mom
To: dailydrool-request at lists.dailydrool.org
Date: Friday, December 31, 2010, 6:27 PM

Dear Debbie...
First, we are stirring the big pot of drool & setting up the fan to send to Jake, asap!
Poor guy!
Did he get into anything over the holidays?
My vet has said that Ham is particularly bad...
I had pancreatisis when I was so sick& Its very hard to keep food down & you don't feel hungry..
I know what a fine bassey mom you are & how worried you are...
We are with you & will keep up with drool production..pls keep us posted
Much drool & gentle hugs,
MamaJohanna to Lucy & Susie
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