[Dailydrool] Queen Pwincess Nugget and her Evaslave

bassetslave bassetslave at comcast.net
Wed Jul 7 21:46:52 PDT 2010

Pawtunia here. I have big claw marks on my fur. Is it my fault the she slave 
has been working a nickzillion hours and not taking my dictation? Uh, 
according to Queen feyfey the answer is, YES. If I were a better Pawtunia 
and actually worthy of my Queenship, I would have made her already type that 
Queen Pw. Nugget has arrived at the bridge. She came via horse drawn 
carriage and many hounds came to greet such a royal creature.

King Dudley came to sniff his long absent Queen. Feyfey and my slaves had 
the pleasure of watching King Dudley and Queen Nugget ride in the carriage 
in Mishgun. Little Eyvan came and told her that he's been waiting forever to 
catch up. Feyfey knew Eyvan, too.....and he is very healthy at the 
bridge...and a hound named...Twink.......well...there was a bit of 
interference, but she was there, too.....and the other Queens........Queen 
Ransome who passed the title on to Nugget was particularly captivated....but 
not as much as Kweeng Moosie.

Just a couple weeks ago, my slave emailed asking Eva if Queen Pwincess 
Nugget were okay...and the answer was positive. I am very sad to know that 
changed so soon.  I sure hope Queen Nugget's departure has not had a 
negative effect on Eva. Q. Nugget worked real hard helping the poor houndage 
of Ohio and I just don't know how Eva could work without her.......Queen 
Nugget was Queen in the day when the title was granted by Gramma Jo and not 
to be bid on.  She was a pawfect choice.

I am a sad Queen Pawtunia, humbled to have waddled in Queen Nugget's big 
pawprints. I am crossing mine firmly for her slave to get all better, soon.

....Rusty and slaves 

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