[Dailydrool] Cheap medications

Pam McQuade dpmcquade at verizon.net
Wed Jul 14 09:02:48 PDT 2010

<<Check to see if Wal Mart carries the med and what
it costs. I have saved a lot of money going to Wal Mart.>>

At some point I saw an ad in the local Shop-Rite flier that you could get 
free antibiotics. I went on-line and discovered that Abner's medication that 
we use for his chronic skin-fold dermatitis was on their list. He's gotten 
three free bottles of the stuff, even though I figured one would be the 

Definitely check around. I still use our small pharmacy for the human meds, 
but this prescription comes from the food store. Even though it's not the 
place I usually shop, they still make out well, since I usually end up 
picking up a few things while I'm waiting for the prescription.
Pam, food slave to the Dashing Bassets 

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