[Dailydrool] ASTT Alert Message

Swartz foxybear at cox.net
Sat Jul 31 17:46:19 PDT 2010

Ruger woofing in. Yesterday our top notch HAZMAT team confirmed the use of chemical weapons by the Squirrelistans and it's deployment within the ASTT HQ compound. It is still unclear how they were able to infiltrate our compound and to disperse the itching powder chemical. It is our belief that they may have brainwashed a young bird to fly over and disperse the powder at night while Colt and I were on crew rest.  The chemical is darn near an undetectable, powder that causes itching and irritation of the skin, resulting in redness and burning of the skin when scratched. If left untreated infection may set in.  Colt and I now have to go through DECON (decontamination) procedures everytime we return from patrols, or potty breaks. DECON consist of a cool wet cloth wipe down of our undersides, and paws. After that the spray antidote is applied. The heat advisory warning here in the Gulf Coast prevents us from dawning our chemical warfare suits for protection. Poor Agent Colt was so contaminated by this chemical that he had to see the vetman and was giving an antidote shot in the rumpkus, and is still on 2 types of pills to fight the effects of this itching chemical now known as Itchicyde.  If you come in from patrols and start to itch and feel the need for uncontrollable scratching you to may have been contaminated by Itchicyde...Have your human slave put you through thorough DECON procedure as outlined above.  And hounds, lets be careful out there!  Stay forever vigiliant against the constant threat of the Squirrelistans and thier minions. The free basset world is counting on ASTT and the PBF!

ASTT Director & Gulf Coast team leader.
Protector of the Free Basset World
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