[Dailydrool] DD, Vol 103, Issue 18-my 2 cents

Swartz foxybear at cox.net
Mon Mar 29 09:56:20 PDT 2010

1st let me say that I I have only been with the daily drool for few short 
weeks...but I have felt right at home here.  I have learned a lot, cried a 
few tears and had several good laughs.   Even though I have never met any of 
you I feel closer to all of you than I do to the majority of my family.

So for what it's worth here is my 2 cents on a few of the drool discussions, 
(I am a AF medic and prior vet tech.  I have been owned and loved many 
bassets  for almost 30 years)

Vaccinations: We have an awesome vet.  He and his staff are just the best 
and they have only the animals best interest at heart. Before he had knee 
surgery he would get down on the floor and talk to them asking how they had 
been and petting them.He still does that but doesn't get on the floor with 
them like he used to.  Any way my vet goes along with what Marilyn at Utah 
Friends of Basset Hounds was saying about vaccines. " If the dog comes from 
a shelter, or is very young, it is a one year rabies--if it is an owner 
surrender with a vet record of up to date (or pretty close) vacs, it is a 3 
year. The logic is building up the dog's immunity. If they have had many 
rabies injections in the past, it has apparently built up in their system. 
If we don't know the dog's history they are assumed to have never been 
vaccinated and they start from square one.  If they have any health issues 
at age 12 or over, this particular vet thinks even rabies is not necessary 
if the dog has had regular vaccinations in the past. Same thing for DHLPP. 
We had some dogs that showed due in year and some in two or three." As a 
medic/vet tech this thinking just makes sense to me.

Entropian:  When I was a vet tech I assisted in a few entropian 
surgeries.like Nancy said it is basically a doggie face lift.  We had a 
char-pei  once with bilateral entropian because he had such a wrinkly face 
and  the wrinkles pushed down on his eyes so that  both of his eyelids 
turned inward and the lashes scratched his eyes.very irritating and I 
imagine painful.  So the vet ended up removing 2 large winkles and sewing 
him back up. He healed up very nicely and as far as I know never had a 
problem afterwards.   I wouldn't hesitate to have this done to one of my 
hounds if they needed it.Just make sure that I have a good vet that I 
trust.which I do.  I'm sure that you know how it feels to get an eyelash in 
your eye.imagine living with that feeling all of the time.

Weight Problem:  My Storm(ATB) had the same issue with his weight.but once 
at around 68 lbs he leveled out.  But it was the same thing with his 
thyroid, normal but on the very low end of normal.  The vet considered 
putting him on synthroid but by that time Storm was 12 and had elevated 
kidney values.beginning of kidney failure.  He was almost 13 when he went to 
the bridge.

Boardwaddle: I am so jealous to hear that all of you are going to the 
BOARDWADDLE and Colt, Ruger, and I  will not be able to attend.   I have 
heard about the Tristate & Michigan waddles the last few years and I have 
wanted to go ever since, but it has never worked out.  My husband and I are 
both in the Military and one of us always seems to have military business 
during the waddles.  The boyz are very well behaved but when they get into 
crowds they become a little difficult for just one to handle since they seem 
to get so excited and want to go up to everyone for pets, sniffs and other 
greetings.sometimes in different directions at the same time..so in order to 
prevent a dislocated shoulder I have to wait until both myself and hubby can 
bring the boys up to waddle with the big hounds.  J  We have a Dog Daze here 
in Sept and the proceeds goes to our local animal shelter, we try to take 
the boys to that and they always have a good time.  Along with the animal 
shelter adoptions there are several other rescue groups that bring adoptable 
dogs to hopefully find forever homes for, but I have yet to see a basset 
rescue group there.  Usually Labs, Great Danes, and Golden Retrievers, but 
no Basset Rescues  There are usually a few other basset hounds there with 
their humans so we always go up to great them.

Nancy, I loved the video of  Frank the Tank, and Tina. My boys will basset 
500 around our garden pond, the ac unit, and the shed.  It is so funny, but 
I have not been able to video tape it since as soon as I step outside with 
the camera they run over for pets and belly rubs.  I tried filming from the 
window but you miss too much of it because the way my house and back yard 
are laid out.

I have been giving the boys chicken jerky (this is like doggie crack to 
them) to muster  up as much healing drool for them t sling to all of the 
sick hounds.

Much love and snooter kisses to all the hounds and their human parents.
Colt & Ruger (we want to go waddle!!!)
The Momma (Maybe next year if Big Doggie Daddy isn't out saving the world)

"Well Behaved Hounds Rarely Make the Daily Drool"

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