[Dailydrool] Noah and interesting Daily Mail article and Howliday Cards

Eleri Pastouret elerimist at free.fr
Tue Nov 23 08:51:14 PST 2010

Bonejour, Pwincesses Penny (Admire-All) and Polly (AmBassetDor)  
woofin' in from across the waves in France.

Wheeee, at long last some good news - Noah is home and Wendie is  
happy.  We hope that continues for a looooooong time :))) .  However,  
we are still in Drool mass production for all those others of you who  
are in need.

A friend just sent me this article on the Daily Mail (UK) website and  
it's pretty good.  Not bassety, I'm afraid (or rather I should say  
thank goodness), but Gordon Setter (close relations cuz they are  
hunting dogs too!)


We can't wait for the Howliday List to arrive.  The cards are ready to  
go :))))))  Anyone who is NOT doing the Exchange but would like to  
exchange cards, we have a few extras, so just let us know.  If you ARE  
on a list, don't ask cuz we are on the loooooooong list so you will  
all get one anyway :)

Meanwhile, if you'd like a trip down memory lane, on OUR website (da  
mum say's it's hers, but we all know it's ours, really) there are all  
the cards she received on the long list for the past 10 years or so.   www.bassettissimmo.com 
  and you go to Drool Cards :)  Don't forget to hit the English flag  
first otherwise you'll end up reading everything in French!

Last thing, but by no means least : DONT FORGET TO KEEP VOTING FOR  
MONTANA RESCUE.  They HAVE to win so the houndies can keep warm all  
winter.  It's FREE to vote: no subscribing, not complicated (if you  
know Montana is MT hehehehehe), and it only takes a nano-second to  
do.  I put the page up in my favorites so when I click I automatically  
go to the right page and there is a reminder that I voted for them the  
day before.  DEAD EASY - so DO IT  pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.

thank you.  Hugs, lurps and Drool to all

Pwincesses Penny and Polly

Eleri Pastouret
Visit my Zazzle store : www.zazzle.co.uk/mistygris*

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