[Dailydrool] lumpy Dame Penny

Eleri Pastouret elerimist at free.fr
Fri Oct 29 08:17:55 PDT 2010


Dame Penny went to see the vetman this afternoon - I went along too  
(being the driver) and also Miss Polly, for moral support!

Unfortunately, he reckons the cyst will not go away by itself so he'll  
have to open up <sigh>.  I have to ring him back in a week's time and  
give him a progress report, just in case a miracle happens and the  
cyst dries up by itself (he doesn't know about the wonders of drool).   
I am NOT looking forward to it - she's 12 and a half and I really did  
not want her to be anethsetised (that's spelt wrongly) but he can't do  
it under a local.  So, for the next week or so I'm going to be needing  
drool for my nerves, too.

Thank you all for being there for us.

Hugs to you all,

Eleri Pastouret
Visit my Zazzle store : www.zazzle.co.uk/mistygris*

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