[Dailydrool] Big doins at the bridge for King Bobdawg!

bassetslave at comcast.net bassetslave at comcast.net
Sun Aug 21 12:40:41 PDT 2011

Momcakes, get off my tail. I don't have to do this anymore. Clara is in charge. You said you'd only wake me up if it was someone you knew........what? No! Say it is not so. I know, you knew him. EVERYBODY knew him.....Who's dat? Queen Olive? Your King is there, yes, I get it, off my couch and on the keyboard. 

Momcakes lived in NJ. Kingbobdawg lived in Washington. They got to sniff one lovely weekend, in Mishgun.....with King George and 

Pw. Annie coulda been Queen and, well...Queen Olive. There are lotsa pictures to prove it and King Bobdawg was a very good sport about having to wear a hat with palm trees on it. I heard all about it from my mom, who came back muttering about how handsome Bob was and that, darn it he looked like Ben the cad....(my daddydawg).  King Bob sniffed and played and was very royal. He has also ruled the Drool for many years and was a faboooooo king, raising lots of moolah for homeless hounds, keeping track waving at houndies at the bridge, being King George's best buddy and making nifty tags. My she slave has one on, now. King Bob trained his people superbly and was a King among Kings. 

Feyfey says the buffet is ready, she went out of her way and hired 4 caterers for the crowd and to make sure that there was lots of steak and cheese and good stuff for Bob. His puppy came to see him, first, with Annie and Lillygurl right behind....and then Queen Olive came, let out a big WOOF and said it was about time he showed up! She has taken him under her paw....poor Bobdawg. He might just want to come back. 

King Caruso has fixed up a BIG tv to the telescope and has a camera pointing right at King Bob. He's waving at his Kathyslave and his pack.........and is watching to see who is waving back....I am. I can see you King Bob....and thanks for everything. 


....Rusty. Waving away.
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