[Dailydrool] Rupert's Light Obsession - Need advice

kacy green greenlikethecolor at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 16:56:15 PST 2011

Rupert has always had a thing for light. Lasers and flashlights drive him
nuts. He will chase and bark at a light just like a cat would. It can be
quite comical, but after the game is over and the laser is put away, he is
on high alert for about an hour, looking everywhere for the light. He has
the same obsession with reflections - like how the sun may catch on your
watch and create a light on the ceiling - well this drives Rupert crazy. We
used to think it was funny, but now I beginning to be concerned.

He has developed a routine - for about 3 weeks now - he wakes up before us,
about 5:30 am and goes downstairs into a room where the sun shines onto a
wall in a small circular shape. As the sun rises, the circular light on the
wall grows larger. Rupert sits and stares at this spot on the wall for
hours. Sometimes he barks at it (non-stop, like hour-long barking session) -
sometimes he just stares. It is not something that can be cured with closing
or opening the blinds, and if I remove him from the room, he just scratches
at the door and barks to get back in.

Its weird because he is usually pretty attached to me, so for him to get out
of bed and hang downstairs with "his light spot" as we call it, is odd. It
seems to stress him out, especially the barking - after he's done he'll
sleep for hours (I know, normal for a basset, but still). I don't know what
his obsession is, but has anyone had a similar experience, ever? I wonder if
it is either an eye issue - like he sees things or otherwise maybe he is
just an obsessive dog. The whole routine is what seems really strange, its
like he wakes up and knows, "oh, its time to go stare/yell at my light".

Oh and btw, around about 10am the room is fully lit and then he loses
interest and comes out to socialize...Do you think I have reason to be

Kacy with Cowboy (what's his problem?) and Rupert (I NEED my light-fix)
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