[Dailydrool] Puppy brains

sebmlebm at yahoo.com sebmlebm at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 20 14:06:54 PST 2011

Why should anyone be offended by someone else's preference or experience?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: dpmcquade at verizon.net
Sender: dailydrool-bounces at lists.dailydrool.orgDate: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 15:27:17 
To: <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
Reply-To: "An internet mail list designed to entertain and inform basset  hounds and their people." <dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org>
Subject: [Dailydrool] Puppy brains

An internet mail list designed to
entertain and inform basset hounds
and their people.


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<<?I may be one of the few but I was offended at the dumb basset puppy comment,
I have had puppies and found them eagar to learn and willing to learn when given 

training with time and patience.. I think that the brain thing is a lot in the 
hands of the trainer/baset slave..

martha and molly bob>>

Well, oops, I didn't mean to offend anyone. But this little guy certainly shouldn't be named Einstein, since he is so totally silly. Maybe part of it was because he didn't feel so hot, but I still doubt he'll end up being a conniving little one, like our Jane. (Yet Jane definitely had her silly puppy moments, too, before she grew up to be very smart indeed.) Even the vet who took the puppy in described him as "goofy," yet he was adorable in his goofiness.

Like many bassets who end up in rescue, I suspect this puppy hadn't gotten a lot of training. Many people don't train, then dump the dog when it won't obey (duh!). It's not the hound's fault at all. Maybe this was that kind of situation. But I suspect he landed in rescue because the dog was sick and the humans didn't want to pay another vet bill.

Our last overnight foster before this was about two and not well trained. I really enjoyed him. But I think training one very young puppy (Jane) was enough for me. For many years I have had senior bassets, lovely for their common sense and at least a moderate level of obedience. I am spoiled by my seniors. From now on I will always adopt something beyond a young puppy--I probably no longer have the patience for the tiny pups. And my desire not to have the real youngsters is a good thing, because rescue always needs people who will adopt dogs of various ages.

Lots of Droolers who have older puppies can attest that they are waiting for UPS to deliver the brains--it's been a longstanding Drool joke. I can't imagine how much that corporation has made, in virtual reality, delivering the basset brains.

Another case, I think, of the diversity of the Drool. We may not agree, but at least we can do so politely. Thanks for not flaming me.
Pam, food slave to the senior Dashing Bassets

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