[Dailydrool] you might have a hound problem if......

sfwill at aol.com sfwill at aol.com
Mon Feb 21 05:54:41 PST 2011

as many of you have experienced, this winter has been a doozy.  with all the snow, rain, hail, etc here in new england, gus has gotten used to getting dried off when he comes back in from outside.  i always like to dry him off so he's not chilled, but this winter, it's become almost daily.  but in the last 10 days, with 2 beng in the 60s, the towels could be put away.  well, last night, around 3am, it had started to "spit" snow, just a light, barely there snowfall.  but when gus came back in from his "in the middle of the night" potty, he had a few flakes on him.

you know you have a hound problem when he doesn't go back into the bedroom, but straight to the linen closet for a "towel dry."

sending drool to all in need and special thoughts to xaxa.....

susan, loving slave to gus
gus-you didn't think i should go back to bed WET, did you?
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