[Dailydrool] pills

Diana Grove degrove at dental.tcd.ie
Fri Jul 29 00:00:17 PDT 2011

If the basset is eating, we have found the following works:

1.	Piece of turkey, cheese or meat
2.	Piece of same wrapped round pill(s)
3.	Rapidly followed by another piece of same.

First piece gets the juices running.  The third piece is needed so they
swallow the second in a hurry.

If they are being picky, minced (ground) raw beef works well, moulded
around the pills, and in extreme cases, hiding the pills in a little
butter seems to make them slide down.  Generally Lucy is OK with pills,
unless she is on antibiotics for some reason.  Those tablets always seem
to be big enough for a horse!

Diana, Lucy and Rooney (furminate me NOW, please, please, please)

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