[Dailydrool] this and that

Linda Dianis ldianis at comcast.net
Tue Mar 1 20:58:13 PST 2011

Xalatan is extremely expensive, as anyone treating glaucoma in their  
hound (or in my case, myself) will know. What a nice offer to get  
these drops to someone who needs them.

The BROOD beach house auction looks wonderful--what a DEAL! I say this  
only because I canNOT be gone the first week of July, or I would be  
all over this, but we have rented houses there before and it is a  
DREAM place to vacation. The auction is a real steal, so BID BID! Best  
beach ever, warm water, happy days, beautiful  

Well, I cannot wait for the snow to melt here. Otis and Nelly are  
venturing onto the hardened drifts from the last storm. Otis loves to  
stand on them and survey the world from this different vantage  point  
four feet higher. We all enjoy watching the runoff under the melting  
ice at the edge of the road as the water bubbles on downhill.

Glad Maya is feeling better, OMBR is where it SHOULD be in the voting,  
and etc.

Virginia and Dadperson: Xaxa needs you to be strong. You love him, so  
you must let him go when you feel he is done. Once you look at him and  
realize he is still here for your benefit only and no longer for his,  
then you will be ready.  You are loving houndparents, and you will do  
what is right. I am thinking of you.

Linda, with Otis and Nelly

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