[Dailydrool] Flash

Rkbeard at aol.com Rkbeard at aol.com
Tue Nov 1 07:30:09 PDT 2011

I also do not like long-term use of Rimadyl due to possible liver and  
kidney issues.  However, I think long-term prednisone also has some bad  side 
effects, and is hard on kidneys.  There are two products that I have  used 
successfully--both available from my vet and a reasonable price.
The first is "Phycox" which has both glucosamine and msm--it comes in the  
form of liver flavored chews that my dogs really like the taste of.  I  give 
it to the dog needing it with a meal.  There is a website:
_www.phycox.com_ (http://www.phycox.com)  that will give more  information.
The second product is called "GF 300" and is available to vets from  
Vetri-Science Laboratories of Vermont.
the website is: _www.vetriscience.com_ (http://www.vetriscience.com) , and 
their phone  number is 1-800-882-9993.  This one comes in the form of 
chewable  tablets--I just drop them in with their food.
Feel free too contact me at my e-mail if you like.
Kathryn Beard
rkbeard at aol.com
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