[Dailydrool] drool needed for Sunny

Donna Lindy dlindy at mac.com
Sun Nov 27 20:07:02 PST 2011

Sunny is at the emergency hospital overnight tonight -
she was coughing up blood late this afternoon so off
we went to the ER.  The initial thinking was rat poison
but that has been ruled out, thank doG.  Now we're
looking at pneumonia, aspiration pneumonia or
self-induced trauma.  It may be that she was coughing
so  hard she caused a bleed somewhere - at any rate,
she has been on oxygen (they are going to try taking
it off and see how she does), has started antibiotics,
has had some Vitamin K (from when the thought was
rat poison or something similar) and will have add'l
x-rays during the night.  The first set showed fluid
in her thoracic cavity which was assumed to be
blood.  She's not coughing so much now and is
resting comfortably in ICU - she'll be seen by
an internist in the morning and we'll go from there.

Any spare drool and prayers would be appreciated -
we miss our little Sunshine. . . .


Donna, drool fueler for Gracie, Bosley and Sunny

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