[Dailydrool] this morning with lucky

Helena poist helenapoist at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 21 07:27:24 PST 2012

WHEW.. he seems to be a little better with doubling the meds. he slept a lot which is the result of the drug and even cried at 9 amto tell me it was time to get up. He is the most reliable alarm clock on sat and unfortunately sunday mornings. He is still going out to do his business but i had to hand feed him this morning to get him to eat.. not like any basset I know.. The journey to the end is not an easy one.. especially with what Kathy calls a "heart" dog.. 
Every night be would wait on the drive way at 5 pm for me to come home - regardless of the weather.. he knew i would be home and when i was away or didnt ---- my husband would call him in.. he would sit there dejected until i came home.  We laid together on the couch and his rear was my pillow...he would jump up when asked even when he knew I would bother him while he slepts and rub his body... All that is gone in a day.. what a difference a day makes. but we shall see what the next morning brings. and I hope i have the courage to know when the end is there. please send drool and prayers. 
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