[Dailydrool] Jordan escapes again!

Kr1204 kr1204 at aol.com
Sat Jun 16 12:41:23 PDT 2012

Absolutely gorgeous weather here in S. Jersey today so I let the bassets into the yard. After a bit, I called and Crackers and Loki came running but no Jordan who is usually first thru the door when the word "treat" is used. I went out and there she was ON THE OTHER SIDE of the four foot fencing I put up after her last escape. She was still in the yard but the X has still not arranged for someone to fix the perimeter fence (just keeps getting quotes that he thinks are too expensive). So there sits my little 38 lb girl on the other side of four foot of stock fencing. It was hard enough in the past for me to bend over the 3 ft fence and hoist her heiney but four foot comes up to my armpits. I didn't want to unhook the fencing so I bent a section over, leaned over and grabbed her under her front legs as she stood up and hauled that butt back over. Of course, she danced all the way to the house for her treat. And I have been in physical therapy for the last month for messing up my shoulder and I am not supposed to reach or lift anything heavy. Good thing my therapist has GSD's so no danger of him being here on the Drool!
Kathy with Crackers, Loki and Jordan the smallest basset in the house. 

kr1204 at aol.com

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