[Dailydrool] puppy

Reed and Becky Pomeroy rebec at execpc.com
Fri Mar 9 11:48:52 PST 2012

It sounds to me like you are acting in a reasonable fashion.  I
myself do not let my puppies go anywhere until after their second
shots.  Puppies are so vulnerable it's good to be cautious. 
ProPlan is a perfectly good food.  I feed Purina Dog Chow to are
adults.  Puppies get Purina Puppy Chow.  I've never had any real
problems that are diet related.  In my opinion, it is not necessary
to take out a second mortgage to buy dog food.  Many basset breeders
start out their puppies on a Large Breed puppy food so they don't grow to
fast and tax their young bones.  A friend uses a Medium Breed puppy
food as she was having trouble getting weight on her puppies on Large
Breed.  And how wonderful that he will be getting all new toys, beds,
etc.  I'm the youngest of 5 children and always got
hand-me-downs.  I'm sure your puppy will appreciate the honor his is

crazy basset lady


Please take time to visit these websites:
Rebec Bassets at

Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc. at

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