[Dailydrool] Still learning about Daisy the bassett

Janett Lopez-Inayama inayamas at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 9 13:46:21 PDT 2012

Hi all,
Do basset's get the hiccups?
Last night Daisy was asleep as usual on her pillow in our bedroom while I was watching TV in the living room.  All the sudden she comes walking in making this weird sound 
that sort of sounded like a hiccup.  She was walking around making the sound and looking obviously uncomfortable.  She wanted to go outside so I followed her to the back yard where she 
proceeded to eat grass/weeds intermittenly making the sound.  I watched and followed her waiting to see if she would throw up or something.  Nothing happended and eventually she came in
drank what seemed like quite a bit of water. Then came to the living room curled up on her blankie and went to sleep again.  No more noise/hiccups.
She seems fine ever since.  Eating/pooping/peeing/sleeping as usual.  Should I be concerned?  I'm still very new at this. Just when I feel things have "normalized" and I understand her a little then 
something weird like this pops up.  I tend to be a big worrier.  My husband thinks I overreact.  So, I thought I'd check in with more experienced basset people. :-)
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