[Dailydrool] Da Pont

Beverly Szaton bgszap2 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 14:37:12 PDT 2013

Dis Conley.
Da DadPerson putted a big hole inna ground.
MomPerson putted a kinder plestik fing inna hole inna ground.
Den dey putted roks around da plestick find inna hole inna ground.
An dey putted sum kinder panel next to da plestik fing inna hole inna
ground wif da roks around it an a tube runnin inna plestik fing inna hole
inna ground and den dey fill it all wif water.
An it bubbled.
An den taday MomPerson teke da blek dog an when dey come beke, dey put
greeny fings inna wadder inna plastic fing inna hole inna ground an liddel
yellow swimmy fings.

And den youse nose whut?
Dey tell we: Stay away. Leeb it! No! Leeb it!

Humf. We see about dat.

Love and Drool to dem whut needs it and dere a lotta youse. Deys plenny to
go around, no worries.'

Conley ob Conley, Nigel, Llewis and Doc
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