[Dailydrool] Clara and the wedding dress

Sally King sally.king at nqe.com
Tue Jan 15 07:14:59 PST 2013

I don't post often nowadays, but when I did it was usually about Rolph and his terrible OEBE ways. He hasn't changed, just I have got used to them.
Clara, however, has always been my good dog.

Over Christmas, we had a fun competition to see who could find the most outrageous Christmas Day outfit for under £10. My older daughter won hands down with a dress she bought on eBay. What she thought was going to be a used ballgown, turned out to be a brand new, peach-sateen, silver-embroidered wedding dress, complete with train.

After wearing it for two hours, she carefully lay it on the bed in the spare room until she had time to photograph it properly and put it back up on eBay.

Enter me, with two incredibly wet, muddy dogs, who had been for a walk in the nature reserve. Mix that with younger daughter, who had been into the spare room and left the door open - you all know where this is going, don't you?

I started to towel Rolph off in the utility room and Clara vanished. I wasn't worried, she usually waits her turn by the door. But she wasn't there.

No, she was busy rolling around, drying herself off on the spare bed and bridal gown. And by the time I got there, she had arranged the frock around herself like a nest and clearly believed she looked as pretty as any girl ever would in a wedding dress.

Sally, with PW Rolph OEBE and Clara, UK

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