[Dailydrool] PBF Repawt

Kimi Ables kimizmail at comcast.net
Mon Jul 15 11:20:11 PDT 2013

I's done it! I's finawly done it! Dis be Edmond Dawd, Lead Investigator of Unidentified Objects for da Counter Terrorism Divisions, and I caughts me firs skwirrel. I ahrrooo'd, chased it and caughts it frum da fence. Dad watchered da whole fing and didn't fink I wud gets him, but I did. Momma was mad at Dad. He took da invaider and frew him over da fence. Dat shows dem skwirrelz!

Lub and drool,
Edmond Dawd (walking with a little more swagger this week) and Kimi (who was grossed out)

PS I feel like a terrible basset momma because we forgot to celebrate Edmond Dawd's second gotcha day :( It fell on Father's Day this year and I was so caught up in our first Father's Day that I spaced it. Edmond got a delayed chicken dinner and lots of belly rubs. I hope he forgives me 
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