[Dailydrool] Drool for Fiona

Adrienne Gillespie clara at spiritone.com
Sun Jul 28 16:11:20 PDT 2013

Monday morning I am dropping Fiona off at the vet for some body work. 
She has a lump in her mouth (an epulis) that has grown over her bottom 2 
front teeth, a cyst that erupted on her side, and a tumor on her tail 
that is also growing. I've been watching the mouth & tail lumps, that 
I've named Alpha & Omega, for a while, hoping it wouldn't come to 
surgery. But it has. The cyst is just an added bonus.

So many hounds & people have many more serious things going on. This is 
small potatoes in comparison, but Fiona is 12 and a half, and I worry 
about having a senior under anesthetic. I trust my vet to do the best 
possible for her. I'm just worrying because I can, so any spare drool 
for a successful surgery would be appreciated.

Adrienne Gillespie

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