[Dailydrool] Advice & suggestions please

Shirley Mueller snoozinhounds at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 08:29:07 PDT 2013

My Elsie is 15 mos. old.  She is a pig.  Constantly acts like she is starving, counter cruiser etc.  My problem is meal time she gulps her food not even sure she chews.  I am so afraid she might bloat from the gulping.  I purchased food bowls for her that  have the knobs inside so that she SHOULD have to slow down.   The dogs all get the same amount of food.  I put her bowl down last and she is always the first one done.  Today I tried dividing the meal into 3 sections giving her one after the other as she finished the first and she was still finished first.  Any ideas??? I am feeling desperate to slow her down anyone who has tamed the eating habits of a ravenous dog like this I sure would appreciate any thought or ideas you might have.
Shirley Mueller
MOM to Sally Belle, Gordy, Rosie and Elsie

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